
100 Dollar Cash Drawer Breakdown

Another thing to think about is the actual price-points on your items. I can usually avoid having to deal in $1s at all by keeping my prices in multiples of $5 only, but that doesn't work out as well if you sell buttons, bookmarks, or other small items (and indeed, since we'll have buttons this year, that will change how we do things! ^^;). If you sell lots of things for $5, $25, $45, etc, you will need to go heavy on the 5s. things for $1, $6, $11 etc will need a lot of 1s.

Basically, depend on your customers to have only $20s (that's what ATMs give), and look at your price points, and think about how often you'd have to give each bill. Once you have an idea of the proportion of each you'll need (I wouldn't even bother with 10s, imho - you can use two 5s instad, and then you won't be stuck with 10s but no 5s when you have to give $6 change back!), then think about how much cash you can afford to keep in a float. AB is HUGE and, while not everyone makes a fortune, people do come to spend. If you can arrange it, a $200 draw might not be out of the question - especially if your stock will be more heavily on the low end of your pricing spectrum. But a $100 draw will certainly serve you well.

For myself, in the past I've tried to bring $100 in 5s and $40 in 1s. Last year I ended up running out to the bank on Saturday morning to get more 5s ^^; so I might work it differently this year. (Another important point: Banks sometimes have Saturday morning hours, but they rarely have Sunday ones. If you have to run out for cash, do it before 11:30AM on Saturday, and at that time, try to anticipate your needs based on what you're running out for - you might not get another chance to stock up!)

I hope this helps :)

100 Dollar Cash Drawer Breakdown


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